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Other relatives of Robert Ashburn and Margaret Liddle Ashburn also settled in Louisville. For example, <br />Robert's sisters, Grace and Mary, and his father, Jonathan, were living in Louisville at the time of the <br />1910 census. Members of the Liddle family also settled in Louisville. <br />The 1910 census records show the Ashburn parents and children living in the location of 821 McKinley at <br />that time. In 1913, the house was sold and the family moved to Larimer County, perhaps due to the long <br />strike of 1910-1914. <br />Allert Ownership, 1913-1918 <br />Records indicate that the next owner, Anna Allert, was the wife of Oscar Allert, the Louisville <br />Postmaster. According to the 1910 census, she was herself the Postmaster's assistant. She was born in <br />1866. Available information does not indicate whether members of the Allert family lived at 821 <br />McKinley during their ownership. <br />Dhieux Ownership, 1918-1941 <br />By a deed recorded in 1918, August Joseph Dhieux became the next owner of 821 McKinley. The name is <br />sometimes given in the records as "Dewey," which is believed to have been how the family pronounced <br />the name. <br />August Joseph Dhieux (c. 1873-1937) and his wife, Honorine (c. 1878-1950) were born and married in <br />France, and three of their seven children were born there. According to Honorine Dhieux's obituary, <br />"[h]e came to America first and she and the three children followed him six months later ...." This is <br />believed to have been in about 1906. Both the 1920 and 1930 censuses show this Dhieux family to be <br />living at the 821 McKinley location. August Joseph was a coal miner. In 1930, their four sons were also <br />working as coal miners, including their fifteen -year -old son, Charles. The 1920 census shows that they <br />had a boarder, Peter "Blanchid," who was also an immigrant from France and worked as a coal miner. <br />In 1937, when August Joseph Dhieux died, Honorine Dhieux became the owner of 821 McKinley, and in <br />1941, their son Joseph "Dewey" became the owner. It should be noted that there were multiple people <br />by these names who lived in Louisville, many of them relatives of this particular branch of the Dhieux <br />family. <br />Souply Ownership, 1941-1946 <br />In 1941, this property was purchased by Nestor and Alice Souply. Nestor was born in Belgium in 1889 <br />and came to the US in 1902 and to Louisville in 1923. He worked in the coal mines in Louisville until <br />1945, when he and his family moved to Longmont. Nestor Souply died in 1973. He and his wife, Alice <br />Merciez (1892-1988), had several children, including Florence, Evelyn, Nestor Jr., Lorene, and Betty. <br />Alice's parents were Jules and Marie Merciez, who had been born in France and came to Louisville. <br />2 <br />