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Open Space Advisory Board 2017 06 14 Final Minutes
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2017 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board 2017 06 14 Final Minutes
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />June 14th, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />J. On June 21st, at 7pm, Catherine will give a natural resource talk at Harper <br />Lake. <br />K. On July 8th there will be a weed pulling event at Davidson Mesa. The weed - <br />grazing goats will also be there as well. <br />L. The new ranger was sworn in on June 7th and she is in uniform. She has <br />been doing some education, including a booth at Davidson Mesa and an etiquette <br />campaign on Coal Creek Trail as well as patrolling. <br />M. Linda has been missing recent meetings because she has been sick and <br />wants to let the group know how much she misses OSAB and hopes to be back soon. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. Mike saw a bald eagle on Davidson Mesa. <br />B. Graeme saw a pair of ferruginous hawks near downtown. <br />C. Jim emailed some comments to Ember about items on tonight's agenda, <br />since he couldn't attend. Ember will share them at the appropriate times. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda - <br />A. City Council member Ashley Stolzmann (228 S. Jefferson Ave.) came to the <br />meeting to make a comment. She wanted to clarify her thoughts to OSAB about the <br />Storage Tek/Phillips property. Her opinion is that the main opposition to its purchase for <br />open space would be cost. She thinks the City could think of creative ways to fund it, <br />such as a voter -approved bond, or regional partners. She thinks it's not a crazy idea to <br />consider buying this land, but she needs guidance on how it could work. She thinks <br />citizens would be in favor of it. She also commented on the Bullhead Gulch railroad <br />crossing. She thinks it should be an at -grade crossing (not an underpass), because <br />people will continue to cross over the tracks there, regardless. She continues to think <br />that an at -grade is a workable alternative to an underpass. <br />B. Maryann Heaney (1117 Lafarge Ave) is a member of the Sustainability <br />Advisory Board and she came to the OSAB meeting to tell the board about their project <br />of putting beehives on Louisville building rooftops. They are working closely with the <br />Boulder County Beekeeping Association, and that group has been great. They are <br />working to identify 2 or 3 good locations, and then they will get some beekeepers willing <br />to tend the hives. Apparently a project like this has been done at a SLC library to great <br />effect. She reports that urban honeybees have good survival rates over the winter and <br />the height of buildings serves to get the hives up and away from predators. <br />OSAB members thought it sounded like a cool project. Mike asked if there were <br />any heights that were too high. Maryann didn't know, but there are no buildings bigger <br />than 2 stories in Louisville, and two stories isn't too high. Helen asked what will happen <br />to the honey. Maryann reported that the honey would belong to the beekeeper doing the <br />work, but the pollinator benefit would be shared by the community. Helen asked if there <br />would be an education component to the program. Maryann answered that they intend <br />to tie it into education programs. Helen shared with Maryann that Open Space has a <br />volunteer network that might be interested in helping with the bee project. <br />Maryann also reported that the new community garden is having a music event <br />tomorrow, one of several events the site is permitted to host. Jeff asked if the garden <br />plots were all filled. Maryann answered that they are full to capacity. Jeff commented <br />that the City is looking at trying to better tie the north side of town into the City's <br />community, and things like community gardens could be part of that effort. Maryann <br />said that the Kestrel development has a garden plot set aside for its residents, but there <br />don't seem to be any other suitable parcels of land in the area. <br />
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