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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 2018 <br />Page 15 of 17 <br />Hsu agreed with his fellow commissioners and emphasized that he appreciated the <br />sustainability efforts. He stated that even if the metal did need a waiver, it would be <br />compliant. <br />Williams appreciated the effort to the design and presentation and that the gray metal <br />was only 9% of the total coverage. She added that the parking issue pained her, but if <br />everyone else was comfortable with it then she was comfortable with it. <br />Brauneis stated that it was important to allow deferred parking to avoid too much <br />pavement. He stated that the building might not fit in with the homogeneous look of the <br />CTC but he was ready for the change. <br />Rice moved for the approval of Resolution 15, Series 2018 with the condition as <br />suggested by staff. Howe seconded. Roll call vote. Motion passed unanimously. <br />720/726 Front St. / Front Street Partners PUD Amendment — A request for a PUD <br />Amendment to remove the existing materials on the one-story building and reface <br />the facade with horizontal fiber -cement board and metal as an accent material <br />and accent siding, and other miscellaneous modifications. (Resolution No. 16- <br />2018). <br />• Applicant and Representative: Arch 11, Inc. <br />• Case Manager: Kristen Dean, Principal Planner <br />Noticed published in the Boulder Daily Camera on September 30, 2018 and posted in <br />all required locations on September 28, 2018. <br />Dean presented the application for the smaller building at 720/726 Front Street. The <br />larger building was already in process and did not have a significant change in <br />materials. The smaller building did have a change in materials, so staff brought the <br />issue before the Commission. The Design Handbook recommends exposure from 4-6 <br />inches, but they are proposed 8-inch siding exposure. However, other buildings <br />downtown have wider exposure than 6 inches. Staff recommends approval based on <br />the desirability of removing stucco and the context and aesthetics of Front Street. <br />Brauneis asked for questions of staff. Seeing none, he invited the applicant to present. <br />He also asked for conflicts of interest. None disclosed. <br />Ken Andrews, Principal Architect with Arch 11 in Denver, explained that the building <br />was originally a stand-alone, single -story building. In the 1990s it was changed to <br />accommodate the building next to it. Today, the application is trying to reestablish an <br />identity for the smaller building that was swallowed by its larger stucco neighbor and <br />help it to fit in with Front Street and downtown Louisville overall. <br />Matt Brundage, 3328 East 13th Avenue in Denver, also of Arch 11, presented the <br />proposed materials. He stated that the size, scale, and configuration complied with <br />relevant guidelines and reflected the size and scale of the original finish. The materials <br />are also meant to be more durable than the current materials. <br />Williams asked if they planned to put up any awnings. <br />17 <br />