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'Section 16. TURNING; • <br /> The driver of every vehicle shall before turning, make certain <br /> that such movement can be executed in safety, and shall give a <br /> plain, visible signal to others upon the street by a traffic <br /> signal device of the intention to make a turn and if: turning to <br /> the left shall, if the signal be given by the use of the hand <br /> and arm, extend the hand and arm horizontally from and beyond <br /> the left side of the vehicle. <br /> The driver of any vehicle in the Town of Louisville wishing to <br /> turn and proceed in the direction opposite to which he shall be <br /> facing or going, shall not do so at any place except a street <br /> , intersection, nor shall any such driver cross to the opposite <br /> ;:side of the street except at an intersection of streets. <br /> Section 17. STOPPING. <br /> Before decreasing speed or stopping, drivers shall warn those <br /> following them of their intention so to do by extending the hand <br /> and arm out from and beyond either side of the vehicle- and pointed <br /> in a downward direction, or by giving warning of such intention <br /> in some other unmistakable manner. <br /> Section 18. BACKING. <br /> Before backing, drivers of vehicles shall give ample warning, and <br /> while backing unceasing vigilance shall be exercised not to injure <br /> those behind. <br /> Section 19. PARKING. • <br /> On second street ( commonly known asMain Street ) vehicles must be <br /> parked diagonally to the curb or sidewalk line .and as near as may <br /> be at ah angle of 45 degrees and .aS near as may be to the curb or <br /> sidewalk line without projecting aid- part of such vehicle onto the <br /> sidewalk)and in case of motor -vehic'le the brakes of such vehicle <br /> must be securely set while so parked, (on all eth-er streets vehicle <br /> shall be parked paralled to the curb or sidewalk ' llne, and as near <br /> as practicable thereto and allowing a space of four feet in front <br /> and rear between vehicles.) <br /> Vehicles shall not stop or park with the left side to the curb . <br /> or sidewalk., <br /> No vehicle shall be left standing within ten _feet of agiyfire <br /> hydrant , or within twenty feet of the corner lot line, or within <br /> five feet of any alley, or in front of or within twenty-five feet • <br /> on either side of any entrance or ' exit of any theatre, place of <br /> public amusement, school, church, or any other building where <br /> there may be public gatherings; Two vehicles shall not be :per- <br /> mitted to stand side . by side parallel to the curb or sidewalk. ;: <br /> line. Bicycles shall not be considered vehicles for this ;.;Dur <br /> pose. No vehicle shall be left standing in such manner as tb <br /> obstruct any cross walk, and no repairing shall be done On -any . <br /> sidewalk or street , except .for emer-;ency repairs or to change • <br /> tires On motor vehicles. It shall be unlai.ful, "for any vehicle - <br /> to cross any sidewalk, or to approach the entrance to. an alley - <br /> onto or across a sidewalk, or onto a street , at a speed faster tha <br /> than four miles an hour and without giving warning to . pedest- <br /> rians: and to other 'vehicles by sounding a horn, bell :or other ; <br /> warning devices ; and no person shall drive any vehicle out of <br /> .any garage or other building with the entrance opening upon any <br />