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Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2008 09 11
2000-2019 Planning Commission
2008 Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2008 09 11
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The applicant, Eric Schulz, is requesting approval of an amendment to the existing PUD to demolish <br />and reconstruct the existing accessory building to incorporate a second floor for a production studio <br />for Gaiam. The existing accessory building is a 7,040 square foot single story structure that is 12 <br />feet in height. If approved, the applicant will rebuild the accessory structure to include a second <br />story for a total building height of 30 feet — for a total building addition of 1,600 square feet. This <br />height does not exceed the maximum building height of the main building which is 30'4". <br />According to the application, the rebuilt structure is to be used as a production studio for the fitness <br />videos produced by Gaiam. There will also be a gym included on the mezzanine that will be used <br />both for production and the employees. <br />Because there is no change to the footprint of the building there will not be any reduction in parking <br />or any change to the existing grading or drainage. <br />STAFF REVIEW: <br />PUD Development Plan: <br />The PUD amendment is for the rebuild of the accessory building only, therefore there are no other <br />modifications to the remainder of the site, which includes 502 parking spaces and a 141,677 square <br />foot building. <br />Site Plan <br />There are no plans to modify the existing footprint of the building, so the site plan of the <br />development will remain almost entirely intact. There are some modifications to the landscaping <br />surrounding the building, primarily the removal of the sod on the southwest corner, replacing it with <br />a boulder and rock garden. There will also be a new sidewalk placed on the southwest corner of the <br />building that will provide additional access to the building. <br />Building Architecture <br />The existing building is a single story stucco structure which contains one window, two access doors <br />and two overhead doors. The proposed structure is a two story structure with a storefront <br />appearance with split -faced and smooth -faced CMU treatments. The store front treatments include a <br />timber trellis, reclaimed timber canopy, and stucco framing around large windows (both first floor <br />and second floor). The proposed materials are consistent with the standards of the Commercial <br />Development Design Standards and Guidelines (CDDSG). <br />Signage and Lighting <br />A new sign is not included in this package, but the rebuilt building will include new lighting <br />elements on the building. These lighting elements are shown on Page El of the submittal plan set. <br />The lights are downcast lighting and will not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding <br />properties as the light does not spill outside of the property boundaries. The downcasting fixtures <br />conform to the requirements found in the Commercial Development Design Standards and <br />Guidelines (CDDSG). There will not be additional lighting nor modifications to the lighting in the <br />parking lot. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />2 <br />
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