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Louisville Local Licensing Authority <br />Meeting Date: October 30, 2000 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Attorney Joss noted for the Authority that, based on disclosures by the licensee and subsequent to the <br />subpoena of records, this establishment has been operating as a corporation since September 1999. <br />Additionally, the registered manager, Jamal Qureshi, currently resides in another state and has done so <br />for most of this calendar year. <br /> <br />Special Prosecutor Joss summarized that while the current licensee is a part owner in the formed <br />corporation, a complete transfer application must be filed with the Authority to facilitate transfer of the <br />current liquor license from a sole proprietorship, under the name of Zuned Khan, to the proper corporate <br />ownership under the name of Taj Mahal III, Inc. <br /> <br />Attorney Joss noted that a transfer application was submitted to Deputy City Clerk Bolte on Friday, <br />October 27, 2000; however, there are documents missing, including a lease, fingerprint cards for two <br />stockholders, and a complete individual history record for Zuned Khan. <br /> <br />Special Prosecutor Joss again stated that the proposed Stipulation calls for suspension of the current <br />license from the date the order is signed until the next regular meeting of the Authority. He stated that <br />by accepting the Stipulation, it would allow the owners of the corporation to gather the remaining <br />documents needed for a submittal of a complete transfer application and protect the current license, <br />which must be valid in order to facilitate a transfer. Attorney Joss pointed out that, should the Authority <br />deny the renewal application, the corporation Taj Mahal III, Inc. would be required to submit a new <br />application and meet all the necessary criteria of a new license. <br /> <br />Attorney Joss stated that he had reviewed the Stipulation with Mr. Khan, the current licensee, that Mr. <br />Khan understands the agreement, and has verbally agreed to comply the terms as outlined. Attorney <br />Joss stated that Mr. Khan was present and available to answer Authority questions. <br /> <br />Member Jeffers asked Special Prosecutor Joss if, by approving the proposed Stipulation and Agreement, <br />the Authority was in some way approving the renewal application. Attorney Joss stated that approval of <br />the Stipulation would in no way be approval of the renewal application. <br /> <br />Member Kimmett asked Attorney Joss if the current licensee understood that approval of the Stipulation <br />does not guarantee approval of either the renewal application or transfer application at the November 27, <br />2000 meeting. Attorney Joss stated that the licensee understands that the issue may not be resolved at <br />the November 27, 2000 meeting and that their liquor license will remain suspended until advised <br />otherwise. <br /> <br />Chairperson Myers asked if there was a draft of the proposed Stipulation. Special Prosecutor Joss stated <br />that because this agreement was reached just prior to this meeting, a draft was not available. <br /> <br />Member Kimmett moved to approve the Stipulation and Agreement as outlined subject to review and <br />acceptance of the written document by the licensee Mr. Zuned Khan and Authority Chairperson Myers. <br /> <br />Chairperson Myers called for Mr. Khan to come forward, state his name and address and answer <br />questions of the Authority prior to approval of the motion. <br /> <br /> <br />