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<br />Louisville Local Licensing Authority <br />Meeting Date: March 29, 2004 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br />reports and would not be taking any audience testimony at this time. Attorney Light <br />added the Authority would be determining from the police reports if a show cause <br />hearing would be ordered and that would be the time when testimony could be given. <br /> <br />A. Incident Report - Gentleman Jim's Bar and Grill - 2/2/04 - This incident involved <br />the manager refusing service to a man who had been in the bar, left, returned and <br />wanted more to drink. The police were called because he was refusing to leave. The <br />Authority agreed that no further action needed to be taken. <br /> <br />B. Incident Report - St. Patrick's Day Special Event - 3/18/04 - This incident <br />involved the aftermath of the event. Liquor was left in the event tent and there <br />was an individual found in the tent in the early morning hours on the following day. <br />Detective Lanphere reported two parties were issued summons on this date for Conduct <br />of Establishment and Storage Permit Violations with a county court date in early April. <br /> <br />Member Wilson stated it was obvious to her violations had occurred but it was not <br />obvious what could be done about them per the nature of the permit. Member Mulvahill <br />commented looking at regulations permitted action against the special permit and <br />considered if there was a subsequent permit request. He didn't see anything pointing to <br />taking action ag'ainst the event manager or permit owner if they held licenses outside of <br />the special event permit. Authority Attorney Light clarified that goes to the issue of <br />remedies to be explored as part of a hearing. With additional information to be <br />gathered, the initial action required here is whether the Authority wants to order a show <br />cause hearing. <br /> <br />Wilson made a motion a show cause hearing be held to determine if there were any <br />violations by the permit holder of the Louisville liquor code named in the police report as <br />Regulation 47-900 Conduct of Establishment and Regulation 47-410 Storage- <br />Warehouse Storage Permit. A friendly amendment was made and accepted to add the <br />appointment of a prosecuting attorney and the hearing date be set for April 26, 2004. <br />Mulvahill seconded. Roll Call Vote: Koertje-yes, Paige-yes, Mulvahill-yes, Wilson-yes <br />and Lipton-yes. The motion carried. <br /> <br />C. Incident Report - 3/5/04 - Brass Monkey - This incident involved a visibly <br />intoxicated party trying to purchase alcohol. The store clerk refused. The Authority <br />concurred no action needed to be taken. <br /> <br />SECRETARY'S REPORT <br /> <br />Deputy City Clerk Hanson reported a sign had been placed on the door of Louisville <br />Liquors stating they are closed. A question was raised if they were closed temporarily <br />or permanently. The sign seems to indicate a permanent closure. Attorney Light <br />suggested Hanson report this to the City's finance department and see if they are <br />aware. Attorney Light suggested watching the license issued should they re-open. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />G:\LIQUOR\2004\MINUTES\MINUTES MAR 04.DOC <br />