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<br />Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 8, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />JoBelle Fischer Orvis, stated her support for the division of the property, two homes are <br />appropriate for the neighborhood. She has also looked at other homes Ramsey has <br />built and they are in character with the Old Town area. <br /> <br />Amy Norton, 689 Ridgeview, stated she has watched the change in Old Town Louisville <br />with mixed feelings. Any change should be well thought through. She also stated her <br />family is interested in purchasing one of the lots and their intent is not to build to the <br />maximum allowable. <br /> <br />Dorene Romero, stated she was the owner of the property for several years. She is <br />disappointed in how many times she has been misquoted. The current home is not one <br />that can or should be remodeled. She reminded the Commission that the lot is on the <br />very edge of the Old Town Overlay District and she supports the division of the lot. <br /> <br />Tom Beck, 689 Ridgeview, stated his family has been looking for a home in the Old <br />town area. He has been disappointed that so many of the new homes that are being <br />built are being built to the maximum allowable on the lot. He stated his family is <br />considering the purchase of one the lots and they do not plan to build to the maximum <br />allowable for the lot. <br /> <br />Commission Questions: <br />Hartman and Loa stated they did not have questions. <br /> <br />Lipton asked what has been subdivided in this area. <br /> <br />Loa asked if the sizes indicated in the aerial are the lot size or the house size. <br /> <br />McCartney stated they are the approximate lot size. <br /> <br />Tengler asked if the lot coverage and floor area ratio (FAR) would be based on the <br />previous lot size or on the modified lot size. <br /> <br />McCartney stated they would be calculated based on the revisedlmodified lot size. <br /> <br />Sheets inquired about the accuracy of the aerial. <br /> <br />McCartney stated it had been prepared by staff and not the applicant. <br /> <br />Additional Applicant Presentation: <br />Ramsey addressed the following concerns expressed by several of the speakers: <br />. Development is not motivated by money. <br />. My heart is not in building one big house. <br />. I am not a certified green builder. <br />. Homes in the area I have built: 1100 Grant, 945 Lincoln and 540 Jefferson. <br />. The bulk of the lots in Old Town are on comparable sized lots. <br /> <br />Staff and Applicant Summarv and Recommendation: <br />No additional comments. <br /> <br />Public Hearinq Closed Commission Comments: <br />Lipton closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Loa stated this is a difficult decision. If the Commission approved to subdivide we have <br />no guarantee that Ramsey will be the builder. The character of the neighborhood <br />indicates that two homes should not be put on the corner lot. She stated her <br />