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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 27, 2021 <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />a sustainability action plan that includes a serious of commitments from the applicant <br />related to building standards, habitat restoration, and site development. <br />Director Zuccaro stated the fiscal analysis is for a 20-year outlook. It would be a <br />significant expansion for the City but the analysis shows it to be a net positive at the end <br />of the 20 years. <br />Staff finds the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policy. It has <br />contemporary land use planning principles and coordinated community design. This is a <br />Rural Special District and the proposal is compliant with this policy for density, heights, <br />and connecting internal services. The fiscal analysis shows a neutral benefit with positive <br />economic benefit. This meets the GDP requirements including improving access to the <br />Monarch Campus, providing public open space and park dedications, and providing <br />recreational amenities and the expansion of recreation services. <br />Both the Open Space board and the Parks board have reviewed the application and <br />recommended approval. Planning Commission reviewed the application at three meetings <br />and recommend approval with conditions related to higher level sustainability practices. <br />Staff recommends approval or Ordinance No. 1811 with one condition to revise the <br />sustainability plan so that all commercial development over 10,000 sf be subject to the <br />LEED silver rating. <br />Councilmember Brown asked if the City would be responsible for the necessary upgrades <br />to the area intersections. Director Zuccaro stated that responsibility for certain <br />improvements and potential cost sharing would be worked out when the final plat and <br />subdivision agreement are approved. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked if the applicant applied for a waiver for height or density for <br />example, is it within the City's sole discretion to approve or deny those. Director Zuccaro <br />stated that is correct, there is nothing it the GDP or zoning agreement that would bind the <br />Council to grant any waivers. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked if the City adopts different or stronger codes between when <br />a GDP is approved and when a PUD is approved would the applicant have to meet the <br />newer codes. Director Zuccaro stated at the time an applicant applies for building permits <br />it would have to meet the codes that were in place then even if they were not in place <br />when the GDP was approved. <br />Councilmember Dickinson asked if the Council wanted to make stricter requirements for <br />sustainability, could it be done later through the PUD process. Director Zuccaro stated for <br />all developments the code could change after a GDP is approved. It is at the time the <br />building permits are pulled that the building standards are imposed. <br />