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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 27, 2021 <br />Page 9 of 13 <br />due balances during the COVID-19 pandemic and allows two months of notification <br />before late fees will be imposed and disconnections scheduled. <br />Any customers facing penalties or disconnections will be directed to the City's Utility Bill <br />Assistance Program through Sister Carmen Community Center (SCCC). SCCC is also <br />administering the City's COVID-19 Response and Recovery Community Assistance <br />Program, and is able to refer households to other services they may need. The City <br />included an additional $5,000 in the 2021 budget amendment for utility bill assistance for <br />customers in need, and will maintain regular contact with SCCC to understand the status <br />of the fund and when funds are fully utilized by City residents in need. <br />Staff will complete a variety of outreach measures to inform residents about the return to <br />pre-COVID billing requirements. This ordinance may result in a reduction of outstanding <br />utility payments and unpaid utility bills. It also may require additional financial assistance <br />to City residents who are unable to pay their utility bill. <br />Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. <br />Public Comments — None. <br />Councilmember Leh proposed adding language to require City staff to inform delinquent <br />utility accounts of all of their options. <br />Councilmember Dickinson stated he would prefer to not take action now and allow it to <br />automatically revert back when the official declaration of emergency is over. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked what trends staff is seeing for utility delinquency. Deputy City <br />Manager Davis stated staff is seeing more people in arrears for a longer period of time. <br />Currently, if they are unable to pay they are not contacted but if the process is reinstated <br />staff would be able to contact people to tell them of available resources that could help <br />them with these payments before they are so far in arrears they can never catch up. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated it is important that the utility is financially stable and the <br />Council has increased funding for those in arrears. The best option is to make sure <br />people know about that option and use it if needed. We all want to make sure those that <br />are struggling get the help they need. <br />Councilmember Lipton stated the Council shouldn't tie this to the emergency declaration. <br />We still need that declaration for reasons related to state and federal funding. We need to <br />be working with residents who are in arrears so no one is continuing to roll over their bills <br />to such a high sum they can never pay it. <br />Councilmember Brown stated he supports the ordinance so that staff can work with <br />residents to connect more people to the services they need. <br />