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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />October 13, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />David looked up the project listing in the TMP and noticed that the Washington <br />sidewalk was considered a low priority. He wondered why it was being done if it was a <br />low priority. <br />Helen asked if there are other projects buried in the TMP that might impact open <br />space that OSAB needs a heads -up about. Nathan said he could do a review. Helen <br />asked if it could be a future agenda item. <br />11. Goal Check in <br />Jessamine reminded the board that the board will review its goals in December <br />and asked the board to review their goal areas to see whether there are specific items <br />that need assistance or addressing. If so, please reach out to Jessamine. <br />Annaliese asked whether the PPLAB board joint -meeting was happening. <br />Nathan said it is being kicked down the road until there are in -person meetings. The <br />board agreed that an in -person meeting would be best, since building relationships is <br />part of the goal. Nathan said he'd follow up with Meredyth. <br />12. Discussions Items for the Next Meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. <br />A. Pocket Prairie Pilot Project <br />B. Vegetation Survey Findings <br />C. Transportation Master Plan review <br />13. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm. <br />