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<br />5/18/83 <br /> <br />Page -20- <br /> <br />Councilman Ferrera <br /> <br />Commented when Mr. Biella came before Plann- <br />ing Commission, it was in August of 1981. <br />At that time there was no formal amendment <br />to the comp plan. At the same time STC came <br />in to request that we annex land north of <br />Dillon Road, or between and north of where <br />it presently is, which was the Spicer property. <br />We changed the zoning from agricultural to <br />industrial. That was a change in the comp <br />plan. We went to DRCOG at that time and <br />Mr. Biella's property was included, at the <br />DRCOG hearing, to be in our urban service <br />area. Mr. Biella followed the same pro- <br />cedures that any other person that came be- <br />foge the Planning Commission or City Council <br />at that time to change the comp plan. There- <br />fore, didn't feel that Mr. Biella be made <br />to go back and start allover just because <br />he started beforeit; didn't start after it. <br />If it was a new annexation the procedure <br />would be different; but it was an old one <br />and was considered in 1981. Reiterated that <br />he felt Mr. Biella had met the requirements <br />of the comp plan at that time, before the <br />amendment. Also believed that if Council <br />was going to be responsive to the citizens <br />of Louisville in one petition, they should <br />be responsive to them in the other petition. <br />Should be sent to a vote of the people, and <br />not just outright reject the ordinance that <br />annexed Mr. Biella's property to the City. <br /> <br />Councilman Cummings <br /> <br />Councilman Leary <br /> <br />Concurred with Councilman Ferrera and added <br />he thought councilmembers were being naive <br />to think that this Councilor any other <br />Council hadn't made a mistake - this would <br />be a correction, plus the people's rights. <br />We granted one - we should grant this one. <br />Commented the bottom line is that there are <br />320 signatures favoring a vote, and felt that <br />councilmembers should grant the will of the <br />people that he had heard battered around so <br />many times in the last 9 or 10 months. <br /> <br />Commented the official petition to this Coun- <br />cil was filed because the people signing it <br />disagreed with Council's action. Stated he <br />was not opposed to a vote on this matter; but <br />before councilmembers can vote on this matter <br />they had to deal with the request before them, <br />which was to rescind the annexation. <br />