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<br />City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 2, 2009 <br />Page 4 of 17 <br /> <br />administration of the Historic Preservation Funds, as well as establishes <br />requirements and procedures for the funding of incentives for historic <br />preservation purposes. <br /> <br />· Section 1 - Stipulates the HPC recommendation for expenditures, but final <br />action taken by City Council; the HPC annual statement of goals and <br />recommendations regarding the funds to City Council with modifications or <br />update throughout the year; the funds shall be open to donations from <br />other entities and individuals and those funds are subject to the same <br />regulations; earning from the HPF shall be deposited back into the fund <br />and the funds shall be divided into four categories: 1) Administrative; 2) <br />Incentives for Historic Preservation, 3) to Preserve Character, and 4) New <br />Construction; acquisition; and Contingency/Emergency Reserve. <br /> <br />· Section 2 - Administrative Funding shall include, but not be limited to: <br />Historical building surveys, other site surveys or reconnaissance-level or <br />intensive-level historic and architectural surveys; Staff support to HPC and <br />City activities in administering programs funded by the tax, including but <br />not limited to interns, preservation planners, staff to conduct research for <br />HPC demolition review functions and to assist vendors in conducting <br />historic preservation survey and other support staff; plaques or other <br />designations to honor structures landmarked or which add to the character <br />of historic Old Town; public outreach and education efforts; and fund of <br />public-private partnerships for preservation of historic buildings. <br /> <br />· Section 3 - Incentives funding shall be applied for and given on a <br />voluntary basis; fund shall include but not be limited to grants; low-interest <br />loans; rebates of City taxes or fees. New structures may also quality for <br />incentives to preserve the character of historic Old Town Louisville. To be <br />considered for incentive funding, the owner must complete an application <br />and submit it to the HPC. Applications will be reviewed by Staff, followed <br />by a recommendation to the HPC. The HPC will then make <br />recommendation to City Council. Incentives are subject to the discretion <br />of City Council. The HPC recommends 50% of the 2009 funds be <br />allocated for residential projects. Alternatively, 1/3 split each for <br />residential, commercial and new construction incentives. <br /> <br />. Section 3 - Acquisitions funding shall include, but not be limited to the <br />following: The purchase of historic properties or properties, which <br />contribute to the character of historic Old Town Louisville and if eligible <br />shall be landmarked. If not eligible, there shall be a conservation <br />easement placed on the property. The City may perform any restoration <br />or rehabilitation work necessary on properties the City acquires. <br />