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<br />Page - 4 - <br /> <br />not sure that it is not beyond us at this point - I'm <br />not sure that we are not jumping a little too fast and <br />that is my concern. <br /> <br />Ken Tanaguchi I believe that South Boulder Road expansion <br />that has been proposed - in the mill - of being constructed <br />for some 12-15 years ago. I think it is getting pretty close. <br />I feel with Neodata's willingness to go ahead and provide <br />the type of construction and to coordinate with the City <br />and the Morman Church, the expansion - that would aid in <br />a lot of that. But I understand that it does not alleviate <br />some of the bottleneck problems - further down on each <br />road and it is one of those things that is hard to predict. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Morris <br /> <br />What about the shifts you have? <br /> <br />Ken Tanaguchi <br /> <br />It is not so much shifts - it is a flex system. <br /> <br />Chuck Clossen Basically what we have - will be a group of <br />professional type of people. Many of the people who will be <br />there deal with our computer system, and with programmers, <br />etc. The bulk of the personnel who will be housed here are <br />called exempt personnel, which means their time, which is <br />not entirely their own, to decide when they come to work, <br />they have certain latitudes. We are paying them to get a <br />job done. They do not punch in on a time clock when they <br />arrive, nor when they leave. There is a group of non-exempt <br />people, and we know exactly when they come to work, because <br />they do have time cards and have to fill them out on a weekly <br />basis, consequently some arrive at 7:00 A.M., others arrive <br />as late as 8:30 A.M. The ones that arrive at 7:00 A.M., <br />usually leave at approximately 3:15 P.M. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Morris <br /> <br />How large a group is that? <br /> <br />Chuck Clossen If we moved today we would move approximately <br />307 people - 52 would come at 7:00 A.M. Another group at <br />7:30 A.M., next a group at 7:45 A.M. Some at 8:00 A.M. - then <br />a group after 8:00 A.M. The computer operators are there in <br />the evening and on the weekends. This constitutes about 20 <br />people. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Morris Probably the largest group you would expect travel- <br />ing at any particular time, would be 50 people? <br /> <br />Chuck Clossen Of the 307 people 8.2% or approximately 26 people <br />are not in the building on any given morning due to vacations, <br />illness, deaths in the family, doctor appointments, etc. The <br />largest percentage seem to come between the 7:30 A.M. and 7:45 <br />A.M. - which would be approximately 95 people. We don't have <br />sufficient parking at present at our Boulder location and this <br />causes us some grief with our employees. <br />