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Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda <br />April 20, 2022 <br />sales tax division sent a letter to businesses and will continue to follow up. Deb <br />asked about the bag tax in relation to the state bag tax beginning in 2023. Emily <br />explained that the City tax is .25 and businesses keep .10 and the City retains .15. <br />The Redtail Ridge project was voted down by residents on April 19. <br />The City has received a Charge Ahead grant for a charging station at City Hall. <br />This will be a dual port station, with one port for public charging and one port for <br />fleet charging. The public will pay the same rate of $1/hour. <br />Josh asked about Home Energy Squad audits and the project budget. Kayla <br />explained that $7,500 is budgeted for this project and ClearResult will provide the <br />services. The audits are $150 each and there is no cost to the residents. Next <br />year, there's a possibility for funding rebate/incentive programs based on the <br />results of the audits. The contract is being drafted. <br />7. Discussion Item: 2022 Work Plan 7:00 PM <br />A. Subcommittee Updates <br />i. Commercial (Seth and Megan) — Seth had a call with Matt from PACE <br />and asked how LSAB can help with the Green Business Program, with <br />what's budgeted for this year. There is a fellowship that Louisville is <br />funding with $10,000. The fellow is starting in April and the position will <br />last six months. There is a follow up call scheduled with Matt, Kayla, <br />and the new fellow. Seth asked about the to -go ware campaign — how <br />can LSAB help with outreach? PACE is focused on the Small Business <br />Equity Program, which is a focus on minority owned small businesses. <br />LSAB could complement the efforts. There are 300 businesses in the <br />database. Kayla explained that the to -go ware campaign funds $200 <br />for a business to purchase compostables to assist with the transition. <br />Potentially $1,500 budgeted for a pilot program this year. Seth <br />mentioned that the Green Business Breakfast was held in Lafayette. <br />Tiffany noted that the Community Food Share offered to serve as a <br />model for the Green Business Program. Kayla mentioned that she <br />attended a PACE audit at Moxie and PACE provided 70% of the <br />replacement costs for refrigeration. It was noted that Economic Vitality <br />has a newsletter and the Green Business information could be <br />included. Seth brought up the idea of a Louisville business survey. <br />2 <br />