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LCiotyof <br />Louisville <br />Historical Museum <br />Memorandum <br />To: Historical Commission <br />From: Bridget Bacon, Museum Services Supervisor <br />Date: July 12, 2022 <br />Re: Proposed revisions to the Museum's Collections Management Policy regarding <br />exhibit space and conditions in other City buildings besides the Museum <br />In 2016, the Museum staff developed a new Collections Management Policy that the Historical <br />Commission reviewed and approved. Gigi Yang, who is the Museum Associate for Collections & <br />Exhibits, and I have discussed how we would like to review and update the policy, now that it's <br />six years later, and bring it to the Commission for approval again. However, we have identified a <br />need for which we would like to propose a revision before we have a chance to review the <br />entire policy. While we realize that it is preferable to not revise a policy simply based on new <br />circumstances that arise, we also think that making a small revision now could provide the <br />Museum with much greater flexibility in sharing Louisville history with the public for two <br />upcoming exhibits to be in a location where the Museum has never had an exhibit before. <br />At the time that the Collections Management Policy was written and adopted, it stated that <br />items in the collection could be exhibited in other City buildings if they were locked in display <br />cases. At that time, the Museum had never installed an exhibit in the Gallery on the first floor of <br />the Library. That space mostly consists of wall space, much of which can be utilized at higher <br />levels so as to keep items at a distance. Now, however, the Museum is planning two upcoming <br />exhibits in the Gallery: the exhibit on "Louisville's Signs of the Times" for Louisville History <br />Month in September and an exhibit about Louisville's journey through recovery from the <br />Marshall Fire in January 2023. For both exhibits, the staff would like to exhibit contemporary <br />items. For the "Sign" exhibit, these might include recent yard signs such as the one for the <br />plastic bag tax. For the fire recovery exhibit, we could display some of the original signs of hope <br />and resilience that came from the community itself and popped up in neighborhoods. <br />We are proposing revisions that are shown below and that can be seen in context on page 8 of <br />the attached Collections Management Policy. The revisions would allow a Museum exhibit of <br />contemporary (less than 20 years of age) items in a City building such as the Library under <br />certain conditions. Thank you for considering these proposed revisions. <br />