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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />July 13, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />participates be required to get an audit through PACE. Would not be required to do <br />anything after the audit but would have information. The LRC thanked him for the <br />suggestion. <br />Reports of Commission: <br />Facade Improvement Program Outreach Update <br />Staff encourages the LRC to continue outreach. As of June 1st, there has been over <br />$108,000 in funding authorized. A Spanish language translation one pager has been <br />created. Commissioner Harald would like an assignment in the URA for outreach. <br />Staff Updates <br />Economic Vitality Specialist Brown reported the brand guide is completed. The <br />banners have been incorporated into forms. <br />Staff noted the Walgreens on South Boulder Rd has been listed for lease. <br />EV Specialist Brown provided a brief update of the Business Assistance Agreements <br />noted in the packet. <br />Cancelation of August meeting was discussed. Councilmember Leh made a motion to <br />cancel August loth and resume on September 14th. Commissioner Smith seconded. <br />All in favor and motion approved. <br />Councilmember Leh invited the LRC to the July 28th Public Meeting at the Rec Center <br />to listen to discussion as it will be an important decision and significant impact. <br />Council will give direction on 9/6. <br />Planning and Building Safety Director Rob Zuccaro noted there is a survey on Engage <br />Louisville open until August 5th.This focuses on commercial energy efficiency, looking <br />at different code options. Survey was included in monthly newsletter in June and they <br />plan to include it in July. Existing historic structures are waived from code. <br />Agena Packet P. 3 <br />