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$84,000. If $84,000 is used as an estimate for the cost of a new Parks employee (FTE), based on the <br />average annual contract amount of $342,000, Parks could hire four additional employees for <br />approximately the same cost. Parks would need to determine if those four new employees could <br />accomplish everything done under the existing contracts. <br />The Inter -Government Agreements (IGAs) that govern the maintenance of the Open Space assets under <br />varying ownerships were not provided and, by nature of being under the authority of Open Space, were <br />excluded from the scope of this report. However, the tasks that Parks performs at these locations <br />(flower bed maintenance, snow removal, pest management, etc.) impact the overall staff and resource <br />needs of Parks. Tracking the tasks specifically required through these IGAs will allow Parks to capture <br />some of the labor and data that currently is unrecorded. <br />Software <br />The City's Public Works department has adopted the Lucity city management software platform as a <br />means of gaining departmental operational efficiencies. The department uses it to prepare on -going <br />maintenance schedules, track asset lifecycles, record work performed, track performance measures, and <br />create reports. <br />The Parks irrigation team currently utilizes GIS-based software to maintain an inventory of irrigation <br />system data throughout the City. Independent of the rest of Parks, the irrigation team members have <br />catalogued the irrigation system at every site they maintain, including capturing lifecycle information, <br />preventative maintenance schedules, and labor requirements. <br />Benchmarking Analysis <br />Benchmarking can be an effective tool to identify costly or inefficient practices within the organization. <br />The consultant team utilized the following industry benchmark reports to provide Parks with industry <br />standards on maintenance costs and staffing levels: <br />Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA) Operational Guidelines for Educational <br />Facilities, Maintenance (2nd edition), and Custodial (third edition) <br />National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Agency Performance Review, Park Facilities, <br />Programming, Responsibilities and Staff, 2022 <br />City of Louisville Parks Department January 16, 2023 <br />Summary of Findings Page 16 <br />