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Davidson called for Council questions or motions. <br />Howard moved that Council approve Resolution No. 6, Series 1997, amending the Final PUD <br />Development Plan for Davidson Highline, Rental Center of Louisville, Inc., seconded by Keany. Roll <br />call was taken. Motion passed by a 6 0 vote with Lathrop being absent. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 7, SERIES 1997 PACIFICA CENTENNIAL PHASE II FINAL PUD <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated that Pacifica wanted authorization to build a two -story, 71,676 <br />s.f., speculative office building on Parcel G, Centennial Valley Business Park. Building coverage is <br />17% with a building height of 32'. The eastern half of the property has moderate subsidence potential <br />that will not permit building construction, but does allow parking lot development of 294 spaces. <br />Bike racks had been indicated at the southeast corner of the building. The applicant requested one <br />3'hx12'l, ground mounted sign with ground lighting and two wall signs not to exceed 20 s.f. each. <br />The applicant submitted a revised PUD that addressed conditions No. 4, 5, and 6 on this resolution. <br />Davidson called for the applicant's presentation. <br />Ken Harshman, MOA Architectural Partnership, reviewed the project. <br />Davidson called for Council comments and questions. <br />Sisk stated that with the size of the building, he wanted the architecture broken up a little bit. He was <br />concerned about the length of the building. <br />Harshman assured Sisk it was not a flat plane because of the windows and they give the illusion of <br />the change in movement with the color change. <br />Mayer wanted the mass of the building broken up. <br />Davidson asked if Harshman wanted to make a summary statement. <br />Harshman declined. <br />Howard moved that Council approve Resolution No. 7, Series 1997, Pacifica Centennial Phase II, <br />with the following conditions: (1) The pedestrian access through the west and south portions of the <br />parking lot be better delineated, (2) the additional details be provided on the PUD regarding the <br />pedestrian amenities at the two main building entrances and the pedestrian gathering area in the east <br />parking lot, and (3) the window treatment, with the assistance of Paul Wood, be finalized, seconded <br />by Sisk. <br />4 <br />