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Mayer pointed out that as part of Resolution No. 36, Series 1993, it stated that residential <br />annexations except as required by State Statute shall be considered only if they benefit the City. Also, <br />residential annexations as a goal shall be low density. Enclaves shall be zoned to the least dense <br />zoning in the general area of annexation. <br />Sisk moved that Council adopt Resolution No. 8, Series 1997, which sets the goal limiting the <br />number of residential building permits in the calendar year 1997, seconded by Howard. All in favor <br />with Lathrop being absent. <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION <br />Dave Clabots, City Clerk, read the appropriate statement for going into Executive Session. <br />Davidson reported that there are two subjects to be covered in Executive Session: Consideration of <br />water rights and real property acquisitions, plus legal advise on potential litigation. <br />Mayer moved that Council go into Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of water rights, <br />seconded Howard. All in favor with Lathrop being absent. <br />Mayer moved that Council go into Executive Session to discuss legal advise on potential litigation, <br />seconded by Howard. All in favor with Lathrop being absent. <br />Council withdrew into Executive Session. <br />Davidson called the meeting back to order. <br />Bill Simmons, City Administrator, reported that in Executive Session the Council met with the City <br />Attorney, City Administrator, and Public Works Director to discuss the acquisition strategy related <br />to CBT water and the acquisition of land for right -of -way purposes and access issues related thereto. <br />There was no action taken by Council. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS (extended) <br />Norman Thompson, 545 Manorwood Lane, Louisville, Colorado, was concerned about the trees <br />being cut down by the City along Coal Creek Lane. He had not been notified, as a resident there. <br />He questioned Craig Duffin as to the notification/public comment process of the City. Duffin <br />explained to him that notification had been given to everyone living in Filings 1 and 2 of Coal Creek <br />Ranch. Thompson had not found anyone in Coal Creek Ranch that had received that notification, <br />including the Board of Directors and the person handling the management for the management <br />company for Coal Creek Ranch. He was not sure this project was necessary in the first place. He had <br />contacted the Environmental Protection Agency and they are investigating whether the plans meet <br />the requirements of the EPA rules under the Clean Water Act. Also, he wondered if this was an <br />appropriate use of the City funds. The contractor is being paid approximately $140,000 for the work, <br />6 <br />