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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />April 8, 2009 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Ember said that the citizens have already weighed in on this path in the open <br />house and subsequent meetings which started in 2007. Ember said that the <br />project has been approved and is moving forward. Ember explained that the trail <br />design is intended to result in safer conditions for some of the social trails in the <br />area. <br />Ember suggested that Mrs. Mills submit any petition that might be created such <br />that citizens’ opinions can be considered for this current project and future plans. <br />Spencer agreed that public input is essential. <br />Staff Updates <br />– Ember Brignull <br />1. Boulder County is in the process of writing the Rock Creek Management <br />Plan which they want to present to this board. <br />2. Native American event was held last month, Ember brought photos, 14 <br />people attended. <br />3. She met w/ 20 Girl Scouts and did tour at Daughenbaugh <br />4. Upcoming events were listed <br />Board Updates <br />Spencer Guthrie <br />1. Attended the John Breau?Memorial Committee meeting. Said that there <br />are five places that the Committee will review for placement of bronze <br />statue. There was no discussion of renaming a trail. <br />Aaron Grider <br />1. Said that there has been lots of positive feedback on new Rec Center trail. <br />Joint Meeting at Superior <br />1. Ember said that Superior has suggested that this council meet with them <br />th <br />at their meeting in May 2009. We could create a joint agenda. May 13, <br />7pm at their Town Hall would be the meeting time & place. <br />2. Suggested agenda items include acquisitions, solutions to heavy trail <br />traffic, trail connectivity, social trails, Coal Creek Trail. <br />Joint OSAB Meeting <br />1. June 6 or June 13 as suggested dates from the County. The board <br />agreed on June 13. <br />2. Possible agenda items were listed. <br />3. Justin suggested that we add learning about capital projects and funding <br />to the agenda. <br />Renaming Tamarisk Open Space <br />1. Truman asked if we truly want to rename it. Spencer reminded us that the <br />Board did agree to the rename. Joe said that his team would be happy to <br />draft a resolution if given some direction from the Board. Justin said that it <br /> <br />