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B.The type or character of development and the number of dwelling units per gross <br />acre proposed; <br />The type and character of the development is listed in the table entitled “Permitted <br />Uses”, under the column “Comments/Remarks”. The density is listed under the <br />table entitled “Site Information” on the row entitled “Gross Developable Area”. <br />C.The proposed location of school sites, parks, open spaces, recreation facilities and <br />other public and quasi-public facilities; <br />The proposed locations of the parks or open spaces are not delineated on the GDP. <br />Staff continues to work with the applicant on how the 12% public land dedication <br />will be allocated on the site, and it has notbeen determined if all of the public land <br />will be located on this site or if therewill be off site locations, or cash-in-lieu, or <br />some combination thereof. Because of this uncertainty, Staff has requested a note <br />be placed on the GDP that states“Public land dedication of 12% will comply with <br />section 16.16.060.B of the LMC.”There aren’t any proposed school sites, or other <br />public and quasi-public facilities.Planning Commission input and recommendations <br />on the desired methods of satisfying the dedication requirement is requested within <br />this hearing process. <br />D.The proposed location of all streets shall be coordinated with the adopted general <br />street plan for the city. <br />The proposed internal circulation, which is privately owned and maintained, is <br />shown on the GDP.Primary ingress/egress points are indentified. The proposed <br />Campus Drive extension is off-site and therefore not within the GDP property for this <br />application. <br />Staff acknowledges the GDP of this application complies with the “procedure and <br />applicability” established in Section 17.72.030. <br />According to Section 17.72.190, yard and bulk requirements also shall be specified on the <br />GDP, tobe in general conformance with, in this case, yard and bulk requirements for <br />commercial district and under the CDDSG. The GDP includes a yard and bulk <br />requirements statement which states heights in excess of CDDSG requirements are not <br />approved by this GDP. Noted setbacks conform to the CDDSG. <br />According to Section 17.28.110 of the LMC, “requirements may be waived or modified <br />through the approval process of the planned unit development if the spirit and intent of the <br />development plan criteria contained in section 17.28.120 are met and the city council finds <br />that the development plan contains areas allocated for usable open space in common <br />park area in excess of public use dedication requirements or that the modification or waiver <br />is warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan…” <br />In reviewing the submittal by ConocoPhillips, staff found that the proposed waivers are <br />warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan.The <br />proposed plan establishes planning areas that provide a buffer that is in excess of that <br />required by the CDDSG. This extended buffer coincides with the proposal to cluster the <br />3 <br /> <br />