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thth <br />South 88Street borders the ConocoPhillips Campus on the west. West ofSouth88 <br />Street is the Avista Health Park Campus which is zoned PCZD-Cand is in the City of <br />Louisville. The phased development of the Avista Campus commenced in 1989.The <br />property is entitled for 750,000 square feet of development. Approximately 360,000square <br />feet currently exists on the site.The maximum building height of the campus is 77 feetand <br />this height limit is specified in the Avista Health Park Campus General Development Plan. <br />The south boundary of the ConocoPhillips Campus is generally defined by US 36 as well <br />as a separate 41 acre tract of land that is owned by ConocoPhillipslocated in the City and <br />County of Broomfield. As this tract is located withinthe City and County of Broomfield, itis <br />not within the scope of this development request.In June of 2000, the City of Louisville, in <br />conjunction with the Town of Superior, the City of Boulder, and Boulder County approved <br />the US 36 Corridor Comprehensive Development Plan Intergovernmental Agreement (US <br />36 IGA). The US36 IGA defines a plan area in which properties are to remain in rural <br />preservation. The ConocoPhillips property is not impacted by any specific parcel provision <br />for the US 36 IGA. However,the IGA does stipulate,“It is a goal of the Parties to maximize <br />the setback of structures from the nearest U.S. 36 right-of-way line, and to this end, the <br />Regulatory Party shall, to the extent possible, negotiate to maximize such setbacks.” <br />7 <br />