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<br />City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 2, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 12 <br /> <br />enhance the golf experience. He noted without the debt service, the Golf Course <br />does not lose money. <br /> <br />4) Preference to local vendors. Western Golf Properties has a 90% national <br />account program, which IE~aves 10% available for local vendors. WGP welcomes <br />local vendors. <br /> <br />5) Golf Course Advisory Board - WGP supports an advisory board as long as its <br />role is specifically to addn3ss long range planning. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> <br />Ken Gamin, 605 Augusta Drive, Louisville, CO requested the Western Golf <br />Properties Agreement refllect Mr. Heath's stated vision for the golf course and a <br />Golf Course Advisory Board. He requested the Capital Improvements not be <br />funded through increased feE~s. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br /> <br />Councilor Muckle voiced his preference for more detailed options. He requested <br />the contract reflect how VVGP proposed to turn around the performance of the <br />golf course; how the golf experience would be enhanced, WGP's priority for <br />capital improvements, the! plan and the cost, and the addition of the Golf Course <br />Advisory Board. He asked whether the Golf Course is considered an open space <br />property. He noted the Charter prohibits the lease of any open space property. <br /> <br />City Attorney Light explained the Charter places restrictions on the sale or lease <br />of open space or park land. He stated that with respect to park land, selling, <br />leasing or conveying the property is prohibited without voter approval. He stated <br />voter approval is not required for a non-exclusive license for park land. He stated <br />WGP's current management agreement currently provides WGP a revocable, <br />non-exclusive license to occupy the Golf Course to manage the facility and that <br />the proposed agreement provides the same. He stated that a lease by contrast <br />usually grants exclusive occupancy with rights to dispossess others and control <br />uses of the property. The! non-exclusive license is not a grant of property right <br />and permits occupancy oj~ thl~ property as the City's manager of the Golf Course <br />operation. He stated park land is defined as properties owned by the City, <br />designated and maintainE~d or reserved by the City for the recreational uses not <br />otherwise prohibited by the City, and composed primarily of irrigated turf land. <br />Open space land is definE~d as property located within the open space zone <br />district. Currently there is not a separate open space zone district; however, the <br />ordinance which established the Open Space Advisory Board included a map <br />designating open space properties. He stated the Golf Course was shown as a <br />park facility and the primary use of the golf course is irrigated turf with a <br />