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Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated that a final PUD application for the Marriott Residence Inn <br />was approved by the Planning Commission in June of 1998. At the City Council review of the final <br />PUD on July 7, 1998, the Council recommended that an Ordinance be drafted that would modify the <br />zoning code to allow extended stay hotels by Special Review Use approval in the CB zoning district. <br />Ordinance No. 1281, Series 1998, was approved by City Council at a second reading on August 4, <br />1998. With the new zoning in place, the Residence Inn has applied for approval of a Special Review <br />Use to authorize their proposed 88-room extended stay hotel. <br /> <br />There were two outstanding PUD issues related to signage and the 'sport court' when the Planning <br />Commission reviewed the application in June. Those two issues have now been reviewed and <br />approved by the Commission. The applicant has agreed to comply with all conditions of Planning <br />Commission approval. <br /> <br />The plans submitted substantially comply with previous Commission cormnents and conditions of <br />approval. The plans have also been revised to address City Council comments from July 7, 1998. <br />The major changes can be summarized as: <br /> <br />All landscaping conditions have been met, including additional trees along the private road, <br />increased landscaping adjacent to City open space parcel S-3, and better screening of the <br />parking lot. <br />Additional architectural detailing has been added through soldier coursing in several <br />locations on the walls, row lock coursing on the window sills and headers, and accent brick <br />work at the building comers. <br />Specifics on the lighting, signage and the 'sport court' have been provided. Those areas of <br />the proposal generally comply with City standards though Staff has some minor suggestions <br />for changes. <br />All setback requirements have now been met. Previously, the applicant had requested an <br />exception to the 25-foot setback requirement on the west property line. The building <br />footprint has been modified to comply with that and all other required setbacks. <br /> <br />The one outstanding condition regards signage. The wall sign facing Dillon Road is approximately <br />75 sf, with maximum letter heights of approximately 24 inches. The 'Residence Inn' text is proposed <br />to be individual, reverse pan channel letters mounted directly to the building wall. The letters will <br />be back-lit, consistent with the design approved for other buildings in the park. The 'Marriott' text <br />is currently proposed to be an internally illuminated cabinet sign. The internal illumination is not <br />consistent with the park sign guidelines. The applicant has verbally agreed that the sign cabinet will <br />not be illuminated. <br /> <br />Davidson called for the applicant's presentation. <br /> <br />Kurt Prinslow, CLC Associates, Inc., 8480 E. Orchard Road, #2000, Englewood, Colorado, stated <br />that Paul Wood accurately summarized the changes to the PUD. He agreed to add a note to the PUD <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />