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issues of noncompliance and these two issues were not part of the original PUD. The Planning <br />Commission, therefore, only had the authority to incorporate these conditions onto the PUD at the <br />consent of the applicant. <br /> <br />The Final PUD Development Plan approved for 901 Grant Street did not reflect the location of a <br />dumpster or a requirement to enclose the dumpster. A dumpster is located immediately adjacent to <br />the alley directly behind the expanded portion of the church building. The applicant did agree to <br />install a dumpster and associated enclosure at one of three locations discussed by the neighborhood <br />and the church as potential locations for the dumpster. <br /> <br />Wood proceeded to Resolution No. 55, Series 1998. He stated that the applicant is requesting a <br />Special Review Use to operate a middle school for grades 6-8 at 841 Grant Avenue. The property <br />is occupied by a single-story structure which was initially utilized as a convent and, more recently, <br />as a pre-school religious education facility. The applicant anticipates that the middle school will have <br />a maximum of 35-40 students and three teachers for the 1998-99 school year. The middle school did <br />become operational on August 24 of this year. The structure consists of three small classrooms and <br />an outside playground. No exterior building modifications are anticipated. <br /> <br />The applicant's letter of request indicates that the timing of drop-off and pick-up for the middle <br />school will be staggered at different times from the existing preschool and elementary school <br />currently in operation at 901 Grant Avenue. The applicant has also submitted a circulation plan <br />which adds the middle school to the approved traffic management plan for 901 Grant Avenue. The <br />plan provides that if a parent is just dropping off a middle school student, a drop/load zone may be <br />utilized on the south side of Walnut for eastbound traffic adjacent to the middle school entrance. All <br />other vehicle movement should comply with the clockwise movement on South and Grant Streets. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 13, 1998, at which time they approved, <br />by a vote of 5:1, Resolution No. 55, Series 1998. The position of the commission and staff is that <br />the recommended modifications to the parking management plan must be implemented on 901 Grant <br />Avenue to successfully mitigate existing and anticipated impacts on the neighborhood as a result of <br />the operations of the middle school at 841 Grant Avenue. <br /> <br />Davidson called for the applicant's presentation. <br /> <br />Barb Escajeda, 1159 Harper Lake Drive, Louisville, stated that she is speaking as the Parish <br />spokesperson. She explained that she was appointed by Father Willette as a liaison to take care of <br />some of the issues previously discussed. A group of six parishioners and school parents met with <br />eight of the neighbors and decided, jointly, to hire a facilitator. There have been four formal <br />meetings, with two meetings being conducted by the facilitator. The purpose of these meetings was <br />to produce a list of issues that the neighbors were concerned with and identify possible solutions to <br />the issues. There were five issues identified which were outlined in a memo dated October 13, 1998, <br />to the City of Louisville Planning Department and Planning Commission members. This memo was <br />not intended to become part of the PUD. The memo was intended as a communication and to show <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />