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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 16, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />Dunlap said that the property was historically separated from 301 Spruce and subdivided. <br />He noted that the property was issued a preservation grant for painting in 2011. He asked <br />how this would have worked if the property was subdivided. He also asked whether <br />painting would still be eligible for preservation grants today. <br />Brackett Hogstad said that she was unsure whether it would have been enough to qualify <br />then, but that it would be unlikely to be eligible today. She did not think that the property <br />was part of 301 Spruce in 2011. <br />Dunlap said that "extraordinary circumstances" gave the Commission more leverage and <br />ability to make determinations as it was not clearly defined in the Louisville Municipal <br />Code. He said it referred to circumstances that were beyond what was foreseeable or <br />controllable by the applicant, but it was up to the Commission to make that determination. <br />Dalia said that he would consider a project creating extraordinary circumstances <br />differently than if the condition of a property created those extraordinary circumstances. <br />Brackett Hogstad said that the condition of the foundation referred directly to the <br />condition of the historic property. <br />Haley noted that these sorts of structural issues were unforeseeable with historic homes, <br />as it was dependent on how well the building was built. <br />Applicant Presentation <br />Andy Johnson, DAJ Design, resident, said that changes to homes were as much a part <br />of their significance as the way that they were built. The property was originally part of <br />301 Spruce, and was subdivided sometime in the 1930s. <br />Johnson said that there was an accessory structure in the north-east corner of the <br />property. He showed how the floor plan had changed over time. The applicant was <br />proposing to replace the existing garage, and to build a new one -level house and <br />basement to the rear of the existing structure. He showed comparisons of how the <br />property would look before and after the proposed renovation. They felt that it was <br />important to restore the original front porch. <br />Johnson showed a spreadsheet with the costs of the proposed works. He said that the <br />extraordinary circumstances referred to the foundation and the restoration works needed <br />for it, and to the front porch and window restorations. <br />Questions of Applicant <br />Dunlap asked whether the proposed subdivision for 301 Spruce was related to this <br />project. <br />Johnson said no. <br />Dunlap asked whether the foundation needed to be able to support two floors as was <br />suggested in the drawings. <br />Brackett Hogstad said that the scope for what was needed for the foundation was <br />greater because it was supporting two stories. It was not going from one to two stories. <br />Dalia asked what the original request for the construction grant was. <br />