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<br />Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />FEBRUARY 9, 2006 <br />Page 4 of 14 <br /> <br />Buck replied that the reader board would be the preference but would consider the suggestions <br />from Pedersen. <br /> <br />Sheets inquired if she (Buck) represented both Walgreen's locations. <br /> <br />Buck replied that she only represented the one on McCaslin. <br /> <br />John Hoeffler, 2085 Alpine Dr., Boulder, Centennial Market Place owner stated that he would <br />like to install a monument sign along Cherry that would identify six (6) tenants. <br /> <br />Adam Wilson, 1075 S. Boulder Rd., Louisville stated that he has a real estate office on South <br />Boulder Rd and the current rules do not allow each tenant to be represented on the monument <br />signs. He supports an increased size to allow for all tenants to be represented. <br /> <br />Mike Freeborg, 3770 Joliet St., Denver, representing Young Electric Sign Co. thanked the staff <br />for the process that they used for notifying companies and businesses. This is the first time he <br />has received this type of notice for possible changes regarding signage. He suggested that the <br />city review code that was adopted by the City ofFt. Collins. He supported the importance of the <br />relationship of the sign height, size of letters, distance of traffic from signs and the speed of the <br />vehicles. They all play into the success of the signage code. <br /> <br />Commission Comments and Direction to Staff: <br />Deborski stated concern with the lowering of the total height of a monument sign. <br /> <br />Loo stated that the commercial real estate signs need to have guidelines added to the code. <br /> <br />Lipton suggested that duration (length of time) limit be placed on a leasing agent sign. <br /> <br />Pritchard stated that he felt that the staff is headed in the right direction. <br /> <br />Lipton agreed with the direction that staff is taking. He also stated that the monument signs need <br />to be able to display more than five (5) tenants. He also requested more information on wall <br />signs - what is permitted, what should be changed, etc. <br /> <br />Sheets stated that the visibility of the sign should be concern as well as the number of signs that <br />will permitted per property site. She also requested information on the implementation process <br />into the Louisville Municipal Code and the Commercial Development Design Standards and <br />Guidelines. <br /> <br />Pritchard moved and Dalton seconded a motion to continue the sign code amendment to the <br />March 9,2006 meeting. Motion passed by voice vote. <br /> <br />~ Resolution No. 05, Series 2006, CTC Storage, Inc. A final planned unit development <br />(PUD) and minor subdivision replat for the construction of individual self storage units in <br />multiple buildings with an approximate total square footage of 78, 100 SF. The units are <br />proposed to be sold individually as condominiums. Lots 6 and 10 total approximately 4.91 <br />acres. Lots 5 (replat only), 6 and 10, Block 3, Colorado Technology Center, Filing No.1; <br />Case #05-032-FS/FP <br /> <br />. Applicant and Representative: John King, SecurCare Self Storage, Inc. <br />. Owner: Don Marcotte, Tech Commons, LLC <br />. Case Manager: Kenneth Johnstone, Principal Planner <br />