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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> October 5, 2010 <br /> Page 4 of 13 <br /> ORDINANCE No. 1580, SERIES 2010 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLES 15 <br /> AND 17 OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPT THE DOWNTOWN <br /> LOUISVILLE SIGN MANUAL TO REGULATE THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND <br /> PLACEMENT OF ALL SIGNS IN DOWNTOWN LOUISVILLE 2 Reading Public <br /> Hearing <br /> Mayor Sisk requested a Staff presentation. <br /> City Attorney Light read Ordinance No. 1580, Series 2010. <br /> Mayor Sisk opened the public hearing and requested a Staff presentation. <br /> City Planner McMillan explained over the past four months that the Planning Staff has <br /> undertaken a revision of the Downtown Sign Code. Staff presented the proposed <br /> preliminary modifications to the downtown sign code to the Planning Commission and <br /> other Boards and Commissions. There was a sentiment to encourage more creativity, <br /> provide more flexibility with the sign code, while continuing to promote and maintain the <br /> unique downtown character. The desire was to encourage more lighting options (neon), <br /> landmarking of signs and for iconic signs. Signs in alleys, and the process for a review <br /> of the sign code citywide were also discussed but will be reviewed at a later time. <br /> With respect to the discussion on murals, the guidelines permit murals on walls with a <br /> minimum of 500 SF of un- interrupted space but cannot exceed 50% of the wall. The <br /> City Attorney indicated murals can be addressed one of three ways in the manual. 1) <br /> Not allow murals downtown; 2) AIIow murals as a special review use or 3) AIIow murals <br /> with standards, which solely regulate size and placement. Staff recommended the third <br /> option and proposed the following: Murals which do not contain any advertising content <br /> or logos can be placed on walls with a minimum of five hundred (500) square feet of <br /> uninterrupted space (no windows, architectural features, openings). Murals can't exceed <br /> fifty (50) percent of a building facade. <br /> With respect to sandwich board signs, it was noted if the ordinance is approved the sign <br /> code would have an immediate effect on existing downtown businesses. Sandwich <br /> boards would be allowed in front of businesses having six (6) square feet in size <br /> (maximum). Each tenant would be allowed to have one. The key change is it would <br /> have to been located adjacent to the business it is advertising. <br /> There was a desire to develop a process to permit nonconforming signs in downtown <br /> Louisville to remain in place after designation as "iconic" or "landmark" signs. Two <br /> categories were created: 1) Landmark, through the Historic Preservation Commission <br /> review and eligible for preservation incentives and 2) Iconic, through review, but not <br /> eligible for preservation incentives. Staff recommended Council approve Ordinance <br /> No. 1580, Series 2010 on second and final reading. <br />