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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> October 19, 2010 <br /> Page 6 of 8 <br /> garage was modified in 1960 and another modification was made in 1956. Based on <br /> these dates, the structural elements of the primary structure are at least 54 years or <br /> older. According to the applicant's submittal, the basement was refinished with larger <br /> windows; an addition was added to the back porch and the front porch was enclosed. <br /> Staff assessed the new windows throughout and the front door appears to be of a <br /> newer design, however the age is indeterminate. <br /> Landmarks must be at least 50 years old and meet one or more of the criteria for <br /> architectural, social or geographic /environmental significance as described in the <br /> Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) Section 15.36.050(A). Staff found this application met <br /> the above criterion of Architectural Significance and Social Significance. <br /> APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br /> Barbara Butterworth, 501 South Street, Louisville, CO requested the property be <br /> designated as the Zarini -Ross House and stated she was pleased her home was being <br /> designated an historic property. <br /> Mayor Sisk requested public comment and hearing none, closed the public hearing. <br /> MOTION: Councilor Dalton moved to approve Resolution No. 63, Series 2010, with an <br /> amendment to change the designation to Zarini -Ross. Councilor Muckle seconded the <br /> motion. Roll call vote was taken. The motion passed by a vote of 5 -0. Absent: <br /> Councilor Yarnell. Recused: Councilor Clabots. <br /> Councilor Clabots returned to the meeting. <br /> RESOLUTION No. 64, SERIES 2010 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A <br /> PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION GRANT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF <br /> WINDOW SCREENS AND RAIN GUTTERS ON THE FABRIZIO HOUSE LOCATED <br /> AT 557 JEFFERSON AVENUE <br /> Mayor Sisk requested a Staff presentation. <br /> Planning Director Russ explained Acme Place Subdivision is one of the first four <br /> subdivisions of the original platting of Louisville. Acme Place was developed largely due <br /> to the success of the Acme Mine, which started in 1888 near the corner of Roosevelt <br /> and Hutchinson. <br /> The applicant, Ann Marie Spear, is requesting the approval of a Preservation and <br /> Restoration Grant to allow for the replacement of existing window screens and rain <br /> gutters that are in disrepair. The applicant received a bid from Advanced Window <br /> Systems to replace 24 existing window screens with latched window screens. The total <br /> cost of the project is $1,584. Additionally, the applicant is requesting replacement of the <br />