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<br />if' <br /> <br />Variance Case <br />Number 1981-2 <br />April 2, 1981 <br /> <br />BOARD OF APPEALS AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: PUBLIC HEARING FOR A <br />VARIANCE FROM THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL OCDE, SIGFRIED PATZER, APPLICANT. <br />APRIL 2,1981. PAGE 3. <br /> <br />4. PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE - CONTINUED: <br /> <br />3. Bridgewater asks if it is a two foot cantalever. <br />a. Patzer replies that it is. <br />4. Bridgewater says that he must be about 1~ feet into the <br />setback then. <br />a. Patzer replies that he is. <br />5. Bridgewater would like to know what that area is zoned as. <br />a. Ferris replies that it's Residential Low Density. <br />6. Bridgewater says that would be a 25 foot rear yard setback <br />then. <br />D. Patzer replies that the aspect of it is, if he had to cut that <br />corner off, it would just destroy the house. At a 45 degree <br />angle it wouldn't be bad, but a 45 degree angle is not parallel <br />with the street. <br />E. Ferris says that it's about a 1.7 foot overhang. <br />1. Bridgewater says it's a 1.7 instead of a 2 foot overhang <br />then. <br />F. Chairman Ross asks if he's building this house for sale or is <br />it Patzer's own home? <br />1. Patzer says it's a spec. home. <br />G. Patzer wants to conclude his presentation by saying that he has <br />been in the Louisville area for some time, has done work in the <br />Portals Estates area, and his track record is good. This was an <br />oversight on his and the man who drew up the plot plan's part. <br />Held like to state again that the foundation is correct, and the <br />man who drew up the plot plan went ahead and drew it up to the <br />foundation as he normally does to the house. Thank you. <br /> <br />5. STATEMENTS BY PERSONS IN FAVOR. <br /> <br />A. Harold Anderson, owner of the Anderson Subdivision, speaks. "I <br />am the owner of Anderson Subdivision. I will be building a home <br />directly east of the home that is in question, facing Bella Vista, <br />622 Bella Vista Drive. I am in favor of the variance". <br />B. liMy name is Steve Anderson, I'm involved with Sig, here, and the <br />subdivision itself. Let me simply point some things out about <br />the property. As I walked around it, from a visual aspect of <br />the neighborhood, the street, such that it is, goes at an angle, <br />so youlre not encroaching on the visual aspect of it because it <br />sits back. Additionally, your sideyard setbacks are on the P.U.D. <br />so it could be 7 feet. Your side yard setbacks are 11 and 19 <br />feet, well beyond the 7 feet required. Your back yard is in good <br /> <br />.~. <br /> <br />~.~. <br />--i~~ <br />... <br />":1" ,\ <br />,,~ <br />