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<br />Variance Case <br />Number 1981-1 <br />February 26, 1981 <br /> <br />BOARD OF APPEALS AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES: PUBLIC HEARING FOR A <br />VARIANCE FROM THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE, THO~~S A. BOVIO, APPLICANT. <br />FEBRUARY 26, 1981. PAGE 2. <br /> <br />4. PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE - CONTINUED: <br /> <br />B. Thomas A. Bovio presents his application, saying that since submitting <br />his original plans on the proposed addition, there have been~chaoges <br />made that would not affect the side yard setback at all. The basic <br />changes are an additional space off the kitchen in the back, instead <br />of in the patio area, and in the front there is a proposed 12 foot <br />garage door; rather than a 9 foot garage door and 2.5 foot walk-in <br />door. The width of the garage would remain 15 feet, and everything <br />would remain the same as far as the side yard goes. Bovio does <br />have those revised plans with him if anyone cares to look at them. <br />1. Chairman Ross wants to know if the site plan that the Board <br />received has been revised in any way. <br />a. Bovio replies that as far as the site plan goes, it's the <br />same. <br />2. Ferris asks if all that Bovio has done then, is change the <br />concrete patio into a kitchen. <br />a. Bovio replies that yes, he has moved the patio over, and <br />the only difference is in the extended dining area in the <br />back. As far as the site plan goes, everything would still <br />still be the same. <br />3. Davies wants to know what would change between the garage and <br />the actual side yard setback, inCluding Bovio's doorway. <br />a. Bovio says that the only difference is that he thinks that <br />there is a 2 foot setback in front of the house here, and <br />that there was originally a 3 foot setback. As far as <br />the width goes, it's exactly the same. Bovio says that <br />was the only change he wanted to point out to the Board <br />members at this time. <br /> <br />5. STATEMENTS BY PERSONS IN FAVOR. <br /> <br />A. No statements were made by people in favor of the application. <br /> <br />6. STATEMENTS BY PERSONS OPPOSED. <br /> <br />A. No statements were made by people opposed to the application. <br /> <br />7. COMMENTS BY STAFF. <br /> <br />A. Planning Department Comments. <br />1. The Planning Department had no comments. <br />